More and more, I
find myself griping about getting older, saying that I don’t like it. I guess this shouldn’t be a surprise, since,
at 56, I am no longer young, and this will be more the case. What I tend to gripe about is being more
fatigued, most likely more noticeable living with a severe disability, which
takes considerable energy. I also don’t
like it that I’m having more health issues, whether they come from getting
older or my Cerebral Palsy or, most likely, some combination thereof. I’ve realized
I’ve been quite lucky in not having many such problems for so many years.
Back in September, I posted about “getting my penis back” when an internal catheter was removed after an incident of urinary retention, in which I felt no urge to and couldn’t pee. This was the third time in 16 years that it happened. It was a rare, bizarre thing that any urologist I saw couldn’t explain.
Back in September, I posted about “getting my penis back” when an internal catheter was removed after an incident of urinary retention, in which I felt no urge to and couldn’t pee. This was the third time in 16 years that it happened. It was a rare, bizarre thing that any urologist I saw couldn’t explain.
Well, I spoke too
soon. Less than a week later, I was
eating my words and wasn’t urinating and had to go to the E.R and be
catheterized, a traumatic and quite painful experience, as I detail in my
September post. This was most alarming,
not only because of this but also because it happening just a month instead of
years later meant it could happen at any time.
I couldn’t deal with this.
I had a real
dilemma. On the one hand, I didn’t want
to worry about not peeing and then having to go through the experience of
having a catheter inserted. On the other hand, having the catheter in is
inconvenient, involving some more care and work, but it also means I can’t
engage in any sexual activity, at least in a pleasurable way involving my
penis. It’s no fun when it hurts to have
a hard-on!
I still have a
catheter in. Ugh! No wonder I’ve been grumpy – as if the election
wasn’t enough. The urologist I’ve been
seeing agreed with me that the retention is likely related to my C.P – a muscle
spasm? – and referred me to a neuro-urologist at the USC/County hospital that
I’m seeing. I feel hopeful that he can
find out what’s going on and how I can both not worry about peeing and have my
penis back, so to speak, even as I’m nervous about going back next month for a
scary sounding test involving tiny sensors.
No, I don’t like
this getting older shit. Then again, when
I had the catheter replaced yesterday – they shouldn’t be in for more than a
month – it didn’t hurt as much as before!
Perhaps in the
spirit of getting older as well as the holidays, I’m taking a long winter’s
nap. I plan to resume posting by late