Thursday, January 27, 2022

In lock-down again (or still?)


   It’s bad enough that, as I described in my last post, I’m totally confused about what’s going on with COVID. The news now is that the Omicron cases are cresting, even going down, and also that hospitalizations and deaths are up.  Schools and businesses are back to business as usual as we are being told to wear better, more secure masks.  I’m so confused about what I can and can’t do that I’m pretty much doing nothing in terms of going out, back in lock-down mode, more or less. 

   Unlike for many others, apparently, who are going out and about as if nothing unusual, no pandemic, going on.  Like I said, it’s quite confusing. 

   Then there’s what’s going on – or, to the point, not going on – in Washington, D.C, and how I’m sitting here, looking on, not able to do anything about it.  I thought President Obama had it hard, but Biden is being hijacked be members of his own party, not to mention blamed for the pandemic dragging on and also, albeit as usual, the economy.  Senators Manchin and Sinema, supposed Democrats, have blocked Biden’s visionary infrastructure expansion and voting rights measures, even as the Republicans, still lead by the nose by Trump calling the shots like a gang leader from behind bars, are doing everything they can to suppress votes and even the counting of them. 

   I can’t even get out and protest, because, unlike for those who are against masks and vaccines, there is concern – or not enough concern - about spreading COVID. It’s like my hands are tied.

   Meanwhile, there was a horrific wind storm here on Friday night, resulting in, in addition to power outages, some lasting all weekend, many trees significantly damaged or toppled.  While no roofs came off and there were no deaths, this was quite a blow – pun intended – for this “city of trees and Ph.D’s.” Again, we could do nothing, our hands tied.

Thursday, January 20, 2022

Waiting for illness


   Am I the only one who’s confused? 

   The other day, I had an appointment at my urologist.  When I got there, the waiting room was packed.  For most of the last two years, most of the chairs in the room were removed, to help prevent the spread of COVID-19. Now, not only were the chairs back, they were pretty much all full, with people sitting shoulder to shoulder.  Never mind that the Omicron variant is super contagious and cases have been sky-rocketing. 

   I sat out in the main building lobby.  The say the Omicron causes less severe illness, but I don’t want to find out.  Besides, hospitalizations and deaths have been rising lately. 

   My Quaker meeting has gone back on Zoom, sadly, but we seem to be the only local faith community that has.  Are we being too careful?  Meanwhile, K-12 schools and businesses and forging ahead in-person (although the Claremont colleges have gone virtual for the first two weeks – at least – of the Spring semester), although with mask and sometimes vaccine requirements, Omicron be damn. 

   What gives? Is it just that the almighty dollar and our God-given personal liberty trumps – pun very much intended – public health?