Monday, April 27, 2020

Long-hair hippie freaks (emphasis on freaks)

   So get this.  The young attendant I recently mentioned, who has friends his age who are defying the stay-at-home edict and going out and getting together and posting it online, now tells me that there are “long-haired hippie guys” he hears from who are saying that the coronavirus “isn’t real” and that being out in the warm sun will cure it, etc.  Putting aside how reckless and dangerous this is, how it puts their loved ones and others in danger and how the longer they do this, the longer this home confinement will go on for the rest of us – wow!  (Don’t get me started on the Georgia bowling alleys and tattoo parlors opening up and the people going to the E.R after drinking bleach, as per our president’s ramblings.)
   Really?  Are these the same people who were so passionate, so fired up about Bernie Sanders, the same Berners, who voted for, yes, Donald Trump instead of Hilary in 2016? You read that right.  I did a quadruple-take when I read about it in the Los Angeles Times. I still, still, still don’t get this, still can’t wrap my head around it.
   It’s bad enough that I’m sitting here shirtless in my cut-off overalls, wondering if we’ll be on lock-down this summer.  I don’t want to think about history repeating itself come November.

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