I don’t get
None of this
pandemic business makes sense anymore.
And for someone like me, who doesn’t want to end up in the hospital in
my situation, this is more than a weird or funny mix-up. This is life or sometimes death – for us all,
not just me.
On the one hand,
everything is opening up, with business going back to as usual or close to as
usual, even here in California, which had especially strict shelter-in-place rules,
or in New York, which had very high infection and death rates before its own
very strict shelter-in-place order.
There are stories about people eating at restaurants, movie theaters
opening and all that.
Whether or not this
makes sense and social distancing, disinfecting, mask-wearing, etc, is followed
– will it be, really? – this is all about money, getting the economy going
again. But there is also talk of kids
going back to school in a couple months.
Really? Perhaps college students
and maybe high school students will sit six feet apart, but will first and
second graders? And won’t they fiddle
with their masks all day?
On the other hand,
it is said, sometimes in headlines but usually buried in stories, that there
will be another wave of the coronavirus, in the next month, in the Fall, and
that it will be worse.
You think? Especially with people eating in restaurants
and whatnot. What’s more, I have seen
medical experts interviewed saying that children shouldn’t, can’t, go back to
school until there’s a vaccine – next year at the earliest. But that’s not
talked about. It’s too hard.
And then there was
the police murder of George Floyd the subsequent civil unrest, with thousands
of folks protesting, passionate and close to each other. Things are better now that the protests are
pretty much peaceful, without all the jostling and close, dangerous encounters
to say the least, and perhaps most folks are wearing masks (the ones that say
“I can’t breathe” are especially ingenious), but forget about social
distancing. This is a big concern, even though the protests, yes, have lead to some
remarkable changes – overhauling of a few police departments, vows to or talk
of implement real police reform – that will hopefully be sweeping and lasting
(I’d hate to think that this massive – the largest ever? – and dangerous civil
rights uprising is for naught).
As one friend said
when all the protesting began and especially when there was rioting and
looting, the virus is gone. Not only in
the way people were acting but also in the news.
There are already
more COVID-19 cases, at least here in Los Angeles County. Does this mean there will be shut-down? I don’t know.
I really don’t know anymore.
You’d think things will slow or shut down if cases rise, but it seems
that making money, getting the economy going, is all-important.
But should there be
an economy – can there be an economy – when so many people are getting sick,
when so many are dying?
You see
what I mean? I don’t get it, and, what’s
worse, I don’t know if it’s safe, or if I’m safe, anymore.
Its very hard to say or tell what's really happening or will happen. I get sort or confused when I hear that things are going back to normal, especially with my Medical Scanner contracts either ending in June or July...so it makes me think that things will eventually get to some sense of normalcy but who's to say? Like you said with the news saying one thing, and then not saying others, it's just simply impossible to truly know what to expect. I think like you said, the kids are taking the most change. Adults are sort of able to live their lives or at least do what they can, especially those blessed enough to still have their full time jobs, but the kids have no school to go to and even if they did how safe would they actually be? Maybe its good so that parents can stay with them longer and their can be more family oriented education...again who knows...I think thats the worst part is not knowing what to expect or exactly what's happening, but has it ever been any different in our culture. Do we ever really know what the fuck is going on? Not really...
ReplyDeleteThanks John :)
The most lucent sentence is your first: "None of this pandemic business makes sense anymore" because you refer to the entire pandemic as a BUSINESS because unfortunately, truthfully, everyone (from the "president" on down the line) is treating it as a business. One cannot use a business model when dealing with a major health issue or (even more) people will lose their lives and be affected and infected by the virus. Your comments were spot-on, John. Thank you for a prescient and eloquent study.