Thursday, May 6, 2021

The strangeness of the normal (or is it the new normal?)


   It’s strange that, even as I go out to the movies on the weekend, I think it’s strange that downtown is hopping, with groups of people walking around and plenty of people eating at the restaurants.  At least, it feels strange. 

   After all, COVID-19 cases have gone way down here in Los Angeles County, and we’re about to go into the least restrictive tier.  Kids are back in the schools, at least part time (but not at the colleges).

   Still, I rush home after the movie, like I’ve snuck out, like I’m not supposed to be out. I don’t feel right milling around the downtown area, and I’m not ready to eat at a restaurant.  No, I rush back to my home, to my bubble, where I stay, hide out, cocoon for the next few days.  I go back to only going out for appointments and to go to the market, until the next time I venture out to the movies. 

   Clearly, judging by the foot traffic downtown, there are plenty of people who don’t feel this way, who have no qualms about being out and about, business as usual.  Clearly, judging by all those eating at restaurants, there are a significant number of people who think the lock-downs were unnecessary, z silly waste of time, and are going on with life as if there was – or is (look at India) – no pandemic. 

   When will I stop thinking these people are wrong, that they’re fools, to put it kindly, who don’t think of others? When will I stop looking at people to see if they’re wearing masks – and then having negative thoughts about those that aren’t? 

   There is now talk that there will never be herd immunity, that COVID-19 will never go away, that it will just be another illness, like the flu, that we’ll have to live (hopefully) with.  This might well be the case, based on the fact that much of the world (not just India, etc, but also some European countries) is getting vaccinated at a far, far lower rate than here in the U.S, not to mention the fact that a sizable group here – those who aren’t wearing masks? – are saying no to the vaccine. 

   I’d like to think that knowing this will make the transition back to normal or to the new normal easier, will make the landing softer.  But it’s probably at least as strange as thinking that people walking around downtown is strange.  

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